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Understanding the Chain of Infection


Having a healthy body is truly an excellent treasure for each of us. Through it, we are able to do the things that make us and others happy, contented, and productive in which we can achieve our goals in life. But constant threats are lurking in the environment, such as the viruses and bacteria always ready to strike us when our body becomes vulnerable.

When this happens, our body becomes prone to infection, further deteriorating our health. It would be better to know the chain of reaction for us, including those providing companionship services and the health care system, to make the necessary measures to help break the menace chain of infection. Read on to know more about the five parts of the chain of infection.

  • Reservoir

    A reservoir is similar to a host. Among those considered reservoirs are humans, animals, and the surroundings like water and soil. This is the individual, animal, or area where the contagious agent thrives.

  • Portal of exit

    This is the way the contagious agent exits the host. The respiratory system, feces, urine, and skin are exit portals. For instance, when a person is infected with influenza, they can spread the virus to another individual as they sneeze.

  • Method of transmission

    This is the way the contagious agent is transmitted to an individual. There are many ways of transmission like direct contact, droplets, airborne transmission, vehicles, and vectors. The home health care/home care professionals follow guidelines like those practiced by the staff at personal care in Georgia to avert infection.

  • Portal of entry

    This refers to the way the infectious agent gets inside the host or the individual. The portal of entry and the portal of exit is usually the same. For instance, flu goes out from an infected individual’s respiratory tract and goes inside another individual’s respiratory tract.

  • Vulnerable host

    The vulnerable or susceptible host is the infected individual or animal with the contagious disease. Those most susceptible to getting infected include the very young and the seniors because their immune system is not yet fully developed among young children. In contrast, the senior’s immune systems are less effective than when they were young.

All of us and home health aides/personal care aides have a vital role in destroying the chain of reaction. Through the proper washing of hands, wearing of gloves, and appropriately cleaning and sanitizing our equipment and our homes, HHAs/PCAs can aid cease the chain of infection. At Avant Care, we see to it that all our healthcare staff, especially the home health aides/personal care aides, strictly follow infection control guidelines. Feel free to contact us to know more about home care in Atlanta, Georgia.

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