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In-Home Support Services for Adult Medicaid Recipients in Georgia with Severe Physical Disabilities and/or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Brought to you by Avant Care

The Independent Care Waiver Program (ICWP) in Georgia offers personal, in-home support services to help adult Medicaid recipients with severe physical disabilities live in their own homes or in the community, instead of an institution such as a nursing home or hospital.

Avant Care is a Georgia-approved participating provider of at-home care services to adults eligible to receive ICWP. This means persons who qualify for ICWP may receive homecare services at no cost to them because Avant Care is reimbursed directly by the State of Georgia.

The program operates under a Home and Community-Based Waiver (1915c) granted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

More ICWP Information

Download an overview of Georgia’s Independent Care Waiver Program.

Who is Eligible for Georgia ICWP?

To be considered eligible in Georgia, a person must be 21-64 years of age with severe physical disabilities and/or traumatic brain injury and requires a level of care that is typically provided in a hospital or nursing home. You can apply while residing in a facility or if you are at risk of being institutionalized if you do not obtain the appropriate care in your home or community.

Applicants for ICWP must meet the following criteria:

1. Be capable of directing their own services (individuals with a TBI do not have to meet this criteria)

2. Have a severe physical impairment and/or TBI that substantially limits one or more activities of daily living and requires the assistance of another individual

3. Be medically stable but at risk of placement in a hospital or nursing facility because community-based support services are not available

4. Be able to be placed safely in a home or community setting

Other Criteria Factors

Other factors also help determine whether eligible applicants can receive waiver services. These factors include:

1. Is the applicant currently residing in a hospital or nursing facility?

2. Length of time on the waiting list

3. Ability to live independently

4. Estimated cost of care (based on the projected care plan)


What is Provided Under ICWP?

Services provided through ICWP depend on the person’s needs. They may include:

Homemaker Services

Personal Care Services

Companion Services

Skilled Nursing

Respite Care for Family Caregivers


Case Management

Emergency Response System

Environmental Modifications (Home Modifications)

Occupational Therapy

Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies

Avant Care Contact Details

  • Address 1: 1000 Parkwood Circle Ste 900, Atlanta GA 30339

  • Address 2: 700 West Park Drive Ste 200-8, Peachtree City Georgia, 30269

  • Phone: 678-969-4200
    Fax: 678-894-3816
    Email Address: info@avantcares.com
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